Wednesday 3 February 2016

Nakd Caffé Mocha

When I can't have something, I want it all the more. The Caffé Mocha Nakd bars aren't sold in any single supermarket, in all fairness I could have ordered a full case from the Nakd website but I wanted to try 1 - not 18!!
I've been on the hunt since Amy found one in a health shop but I've not had much luck. For the last few weeks I've had an immediate family member in an Intensive Care Unit and so it's been a continuous cycle of days with long visiting hours with literally five minute breaks to wolf down a quick bite to eat. And so Nakd bars have been a god send! My supply had taken a serious hit until what should I find in the hospital canteen? The elusive Caffé Mocha! Typical, it's literally been underneath me for the whole time.. 
The bar is gluten, wheat and dairy free, vegan and one of your 5 a day. 

Not much different to every other Nakd bar! A little darker and almost shinier - it looks moister (vom, I hate that word!) than some of the other flavours. 

100% strong coffee baby! Although this didn't get my hopes up too much, I've been lead on by strong coffee scented edibles in the past only to have my heart broken by the poor flavour. 

If you've read Amy's review you'll know she wasn't that impressed, I do agree somewhat with her review - it isn't as sweet as other bars but I also disagree.
As a black coffee fan I'm always annoyed when products focus on the milky sweeter coffee variations. I suppose it's to reach a wider audience, but why would someone buy coffee flavoured food if they aren't after the taste of coffee? Anyway, I understand this is Mocha flavoured, so is chocolate/cocoa and coffee but pleasingly (for me) the strong rich coffee flavour is predominant and the cocoa, while noticeable plays second fiddle.
The texture is the same as every other non-Crunch Nakd bar but the strong coffee and cocoa flavours overwhelm the signature date/nut/raisin flavour that makes the base of all the other bars. I think this is probably what Amy found lacking, but I enjoyed the more authentic stronger tastes.
Delicious - I've cleared the canteen out!! 


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