I picked this limited edition onken big pot up in Tesco for a pound. I’m a big fan of Onken, especially the vanilla and low fat strawberry flavours , I like to dip strawberries in them as I don’t like
cream and I have used them in my ice cream maker when I don’t have the ingredients at hand for ice cream (word of warning don’t use the natural yogurt for this – yuck! It turns into a hump of sour ice that even I couldn’t finish!!)

Anyway, I was a bit dissapointed when I opened it as it didn’t look very chocolatey although once I got into it there were more chocolate pieces. It is a nice product as chocolate and strawberry go so well together but to be perfectly honest it was a bit of a let down. I would buy it again if it stayed at a pound, but if that doesn’t happen you would be better off buying the original strawberry flavour and a flake and crumbling it in yourself – you’ll get more chocolate. One thing I have taken from this though is I’m not eating low fat strawberry yogurt again, the full fat has so much more flavour and is creamier and richer. A nice base, needs more chocolate!
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